Book Index

Subject HeadingPage Reference
100 Best Companies to Work For50
3 Ps189; 340
5 Companies with Core Values that Stand Above the Rest113
A Dog’s Purpose171
A possible future for Capitalism318-319
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety141
Act differently199
Action oriented268
Acts of kindness60-62; 87; 259
Adams, John Quincy230
Adelphia Communications6;
Aesop138; 147
Age of Antarctic Exploration76
Age of brotherhood159
Agricultrual age52
All things connect218; 223
Almeida, Emerson (Foreword)xviii-xxii; 97-98
Amstrong, Neil157
Amundsen, Roald76
An Inquiry into the Wealth of Nations267
Ancestrial wisdom336
Andre, Mary Lou189
Angelou, Maya10;
Anheuser-Busch InBev50
Apollo 11157
Apollo 14146; 164
Appendix 1: Noble Leaders-Interviewees for Book338-339
Appendix 2: Interview Questions we Asked Noble Leaders340-343
Appendix 3: Noble Leader Self-Assessment344-348
Appendix 4: Suggested Readings349-350
Appreciative Inquiry22
Arab Spring pro-democracy protests323
Arthur Anderson2;
Artificial intelligence334
Aspen trees in Colorado155
Association des Membres de l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques209
At Work Journal118
AT&T Canada Long Distance Services26; 81; 149-150; 230
Austin, William F.188
Authentic Leadership195; 240
Authenticity86-87; 94; 111; 118; 121; 131; 168-169; 196; 201; 224; 240; 256; 266; 274
Authenticity (Continued289; 329; 334; 343
Aviva-France239; 289
Avon138; 147
Baha’i faith233-234; 327
Baha’I religion143
Balance, work/life347
Balanced Score Card212
Banking Research Center, Kellogg School of Management209
Bardach, Kenneth C.vii-viii; 82-86; 128-129; 142; 151; 175-177; 260-261; 349
Barton, Quince Alex222; 333-335 
Batista, Antonio302-303
B-Corporations: Business as a Force for Good109-111
Be ansious for nothing and Grateful for Everything’121
Beliefs in the Old Reality10-11; 
Bell, Derrick2; 
Ben & Jerry’s110
Benioff, Mark13;
Bercker, Gary58; 116
Bergmann, Gudjon245
Berlin’s Ernst Senff Choir158
Bernake, Ben50
Berrett-Koehler Publishers186
Bethoven’s Ninth Symphany151
Biden, Joe331
Big picture197
Black Swan events313
Body Shop, The138; 147
Bonnet, Ivana200; 292-294
Bonuses305; 312; 315
Booth Business School58
Bordeaux, Donna Mariav-vi; 46-48; 86-90; 100-103; 124-126; 151-154; 177-180; 251-252; 259-260;
Bordeaux, Donna Maria (Continued)270; 272-272-277
Boston Symphony Orchestra’s Tanglewood Festival Chorus157
Boudon, Raymond93
Bowden College125
Boy Scout Movement322
Boyatzis, Richard117; 350
Brand and brand image243; 290; 319
Branson, Richard65
Breath work332
Bridging the Feminine and Masculine in Business One Woman’s Journey123
Bringing a Company Back to Life: The Role of a CEO118
Brito, Carlos50
Brooke Medicine Eagle217
Brown, Brene350
Buffett, Warren2;
Bupa Arabia211; 269; 291-292
Business Economics in the Emergent Reality50-63; 122
Business Executive-Trust7;
Business for Social Responsibility80
Business schools337
Butterworth, Eric68
Cacao ceremonies332
Calling69; 183
Campbell, Joseph173
Can Capitalism be improved?315-320
Canadian CEO of the Year232
Capital in the Twenty-First Century306
Capitalism, defn.296
Capitalism, Role of Government297; 313; 337
Capra, Fritzof35; 144
Care for others130; 195; 265; 269; 336
Career69; 183
Carlyle, Thomas169
Carter, Jimmy228
Casman, Kevin349
Casse, Pierre 349
Catucci, Bill28; 62; 81; 112; 122; 149-150; 199; 230-233; 236
Chakra tuning253
Champions for life121
Champions of Character: Five core valuies106-107
Chand, Amber71-72; 122-123; 149; 269
Changing role of labor and labor compensation311-312
Character59; 70; 74; 103; 106-107; 146; 187; 199; 278-279; 281; 333-334; 337; 345
Charlie Hebdo158
Chevalier of the Legion d’Honor200; 292
Chickensoup for the Soul at Work123
Chief Seattle, Suquamish and Duwamish Chief218
Child slavery309
China National Symphony Orchestra Chorus157
Chiropractic care252
Choi, Yoonjin104; 108
Chopra, Deepak44; 68; 164; 172-173
Chritianity in Business79; 142
Chulalongkorn University209
Churchill, Winston296
Civil Rights Movement321-322
Clean Air and Clean Water Acts226
Cleveland Clinic160
Climate change291
Co-Human Harmoney: Using our Shared Humanity to Bridge Divides246; 256
Coleman, Daniel350
Collaboration95-98; 102; 106-107; 130; 137-140; 162; 184; 196-197; 201-202; 203; 208;
Collaboration (Continued)218-220; 230; 236-237; 247; 257; 271; 273; 278; 318; 326; 331; 335; 341
Collaboration (Continued1)346
Columbia University322
Commitment281; 312; 316
Communication334; 345
Community241-243; 341; 345
Compassion173; 225; 228; 246; 265; 269; 286; 328-330; 334; 336; 346
Compassionate Capitalism123; 317
Computer Associates Intl6;
Conference Board7;
Conley, Chip68-69; 182-183; 350
Conscious Capitalism305-306 349
Consultative decision-making326
Cooper, David273
Cooperrider, David22
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)309
Corruption2-9; 313-314
Courage202; 234; 268
Covey, Stephen169; 349
Creating Shared Value: How to Reinvent Capitalism…. (CSV)109; 302
Creativity266; 268′ 335
Credit Agricole200; 292
Crisis of Culture: Valuing Ethics and Knowledge in Financial Services314
Cromwell, Mare224-225; 350; back cover
Culture 94; 129; 182; 203; 213-214; 235; 240; 283; 285; 290-291; 293; 305; 326;
Culture (Continued)341-342
Culture of caring61; 95; 126
Dalai Lama, The44; 68; 172-173; 321
Daniel  Coleman117
Danone North America110
Dare to Lead: Brave Work, Tough Conversations, Whole Hearts350
Darwin, Charles30-33; 140; 278
Das, Ram163
Data sovereignty334
de Montaigne, Michel93
De Pree, Max27; 194
Decision-making341; 346
Deep connection267
Deere & Co311
Defining realty27
Degradation of the Environment306-307
Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose65 350
Descartes, Rene32; 35-36; 138
Destiny333; 336
Developing people214; 347
Diana, Princess of Wales157
Digital Economist203; 335
Distribution of wealth more equitably304-305
Diversity285; 290
Diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI)108; 201
Dodd-Frank legislation313
Doing the right thing288; 317; 334; 345
Dom Management Journal267
Domini Social Investments198; 269
Domini, Amy198; 269; 350
Drucker, Peter13; 116; 349
Dunne, John156
Dyer, Wayne68; 92; 117; 172; 248; 350
e pluibus unum156
Earle, Sylvia225
Earth Day226
Ebbers, Bernie6
Ecole Polytechnique241; 288
Economist Intelligency Unit314
Economist Magazine21; 58
Edmund Pettus bridge321
Ego265; 275; 293; 330; 346
Egri & Herman223
Einstein, Albert28; 30; 33; 134; 137; 144; 146; 166; 248
Eisenstein, Charles318
Ekman, Paul140
Ekos beauty line147
Electronic Data Systems54
Eliasson, Jan324
Ellington, Duke125
Emergent Reality, defnx-xi;
Emerson, Ralf Waldo186; 265 
Emotional energy within human spirit (capacity)117
Emotional intelligence57; 117; 268
Emotional intelligence: Why it Can Matter more than IQ117
Emotional Qotient (EQ)57; 117
Empathy195; 240; 266; 268; 336
Employee empowerment346
Employee engagement341
Employee morale8; 209
Employee Pryamid69; 182; 341
Employee retention341
Employee turnover 341
Energetic Healing Hawaii332
Energy work253
Enhacing physical well-being250-251
Entrepreneurship297; 316-317; 336
Environmental Consciousness328; 347
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)4; 226
Epilogue: Noble Leadership in the Future: Voices of our Youth321-337
Equatorial Technologies233
Equity203; 213-214; 234; 237
Erosing of bargaining power by labor308-309
Ethical Business Building Future (EBBF)233
Ethical standards and conduct314; 326; 342
Excellence in all things’234
Exploitation of child labor309-310
Exploring the Reality of Oneness160-161
External costs306
Fairness292; 328
Farmer, Brittany332-333
FDC International Advisory Council98
Feel differently198
Feeney, Chuck202
Fifth Dimension: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization59; 117; 350
Financial capital54; 132; 318
Five-tier model of human needs39-41
Focus on short-term profits and hitting guidance targets310-311
Fogel, Robert67
Forbes Magazine7; 147
Forgiveness172; 174; 177; 258
Fortune Magazine3; 12; 59; 317
Fortune Society12;
Fox News59
Franklin, Benjamin334
Free market314-315
Free to Choose58; 117
Freedom Rides321
Freedom within structure183; 197; 200; 328
Freeman, Edward14; 109; 298-299
Friedman, Milton13-14; 58; 109; 117; 298-299; 340
From Values to Action: The Four Priniciples of Value-Based Leadership349
Fundacao Dom Cabral (FDC)xviii-xxii; 97-98; 268; 302-303
Gaia mystic and priestess224
Gaia Priestess89
Gaines, Chip and Joanna59
Gandhi, Mahatma217
Gap analysis22
Gap between payment to the CEO and the average worker in the same Co.314-315
Gates, Bill32
Geithner, Timothy313
General Electric54-55; 117
Gillett, Darwiniii-iv; 59; 77-82; 127-128; 142; 150-151; 175; 267-268; 349
Giving Compass325
Global development Learning Network234
Global Intiatives in Management (GIM)96
Global March Against Child Labor310
Global Tax on Real Wealth306
Global warming108; 307
Golden parachutes315
Good Heart281
Good Mind281
Gordon, Amanda331
Gore, Al225
Graduate Institute and Development Studies, Geneva233
Grass, Martin6;
Gratitude107; 121; 126; 173-174; 204; 246-248-249; 255-257; 333
Great Mother Bible, The224; 350
Great Mother Love Way, Inc.224
Greater Brunswick Physical Therapy88; 100; 124-126; 178; 260; 270; 272
Greater Good284
Greenbaum, Stuart313
Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership 194
Greenleaf, Robert194
Guidance297; 346
Gulati, Ranjay111-112; 271
Hale H’omana (The Place of Empowerment)332
Handy, Charlesxx
Hanh, Thich Nat44; 68; 172
Harmonious268; 285; 332
Hartigan, Nancy98
Harvard Business Review104; 109; 111; 283; 302
Harvard Business School 111
Harvard University135
Harvard Working Knowledge 306
Haskett, James306
Hawken, Paul144; 146
Hawking, Stephen31
Hawthorne effect57-58
Hay Group28-29; 62; 122
Healthcare South Corp6;
Heart Power79; 129-130; 178; 182-183; 105; 195; 199; 224; 231; 250; 255; 257-259; 282;
Heart Power (Continued286; 317; 327-328; 330; 341; 346
HeartMath Institute266
Help your employees find purpose — or watch them leave105
Hemingway, Ernestix
Herman Miller27; 194
Hicks, Abraham172
Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid66
High Ethics92; 103
High moral character146-147
Higher consciousness103; 131; 218; 224; 336
Higher purpose42; 65-91; 123; 173; 182-183; 187; 189-191; 196; 199-200; 208; 211; 
Higher purpose (Continued)214-215′ 218-219; 224-226; 228; 234-238; 241; 248; 256; 266; 268; 269
Higher purpose (Continued2)270; 274; 286; 292; 316; 325; 331; 336-337; 340; 347
Higher self118-119
High-Tech age54-55
Hill we climb, The331
Hindu philosophy317
Hindu religion143
Historical ages of business economics52-63
Holmes, Elizabeth6;
Homo spiritus337
Honesty234; 266; 326-328
Honor and humility317
Hope273; 330-331; 334
Houston Natural Gas Co2;
How Should Wealth be Redistributed?306
Hsieh, Tony65; 350
Human capital58; 116-117; 318
Human Equation: Builing Profits by Putting People First58
Human growth183; 350
Human rights334
Human spirit43-44; 115-136; 182; 187; 199-201; 215; 218; 225; 231; 237-238; 248; 259; 
Human spirit (Continued)267-268; 270; 293; 329; 336; 341
Human Spirit (defn.)118-119
Human Spirit Quotient (SQ)117-118
Humility202; 224; 241; 266; 268; 282-283; 285; 294; 317; 327
Hunt Commission209
Ignoble Behavior10-19;
ImClone Systems6;
Inclusion202; 213; 237; 265-266; 280; 291-292; 294; 328-329
Income inequality108; 336
Increasing inequality of income distribution 304-305
Indigenous Councils of Wisdom222
Individual rights306
Individual sovereignty334
Indusrial age53-54; 318
Information age53-55
Infosys286-288; 316
Infosys Foundation317
Ingram, Paul104; 108
Inner knowing87
Inner peace/welbeing247; 341
Inner reality118-119; 341
Inner vs Outer reality27-28; 245; 342
Innova Radio SA233
Innovate200; 214; 220; 234; 250; 269; 274; 291; 317; 335-336
Inputs vs Outputs166
Inspire196; 200; 211; 219; 231; 237; 241; 247; 250; 258; 265; 337; 345-346
Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)146
Institutional Investment297; 310
Integrity92 103; 107; 124; 131; 183; 190; 202; 220; 224-225; 228; 234; 245; 269;
Integrity (Continued)281; 328-329; 333; 336; 345
Intellectual capital54; 132; 318
Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations55-56 59; 117; 349
Intellectual Qotient (IQ)117
International Catholic Child Bureau310
International Center for Spirit at Work118
International Initiative to End Child Labor310
InterNorth Inc.2;
Invisibile hand54; 267; 296
Invisible heart56; 88-90; 265-277
Islam religion144
Jacobs, Donald P.94-98; 126-127; 149; 207-211; 270
Jain, Dipak210
Jefferson, Thomas53
Jet Blue Airlines62; 75; 187
job69; 183
John Paul II220
Johnson & Johnson112; 300
Johnson & Johnson Credo300
Johnson, Mary164
Journaling255; 258; 332
Joy130; 173; 184; 201; 210; 269; 336
Justice268; 280
Kanyini tribe119
Katie, Byron172
Keauhou Canoe Club333
Kelleher, Herb50; 61; 118; 131; 195; 269
Kellogg School of Management94-98; 126; 149; 270
Kenetic Capital201
Kennedy, John F.115; 173
Kent State322
Keystone Pipeline323
Kindness172; 191; 259; 272; 330
King Jr, Martin Luther29-30 156-157; 172; 321
Kirlian photography133
Kirlian, Semyon133
Kirov Orchestra in St. Petersburg150
Kona Tiki hotel89
Kondos-Field, Valorie73; 115; 120-122; 246-247; 270
Kotter, John350
Kottler, Philip95
Kozlowski, Dennis6;12
Kramer, Mark14; 109; 302
Kripalu Yoga and Retreat Center134
Kriya Yoga249
Kroon Order, Belgium209
Kumar, Sanjay6;
La La Land159
Labor unions308
Laissez Faire297; 306
Law of General Relativity144
Lay, Kenneth2;
Leaders with honor and humility286
Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World21; 349
Leadership for a New World: A Selection of Thoughts for Perplexex Leaders349
Leadership from the Inside Out: Becoming a Leader for Life349
Leadership is an Art194
Leadership Style281; 341
Leadership Wisdom From the Monk who sold his Ferrari247
Leal, Guilherme148
Left brain341
Legacy191; 202; 214; 241-242; 290; 343
Lennon, John163
Lewis, John321
Lewis, Johnny98-100; 218-219
Life coach/counselor249
Light330-331; 336
Limiting CEO compensation through legislation315
Lincoln Center, New York150
Lincoln, Abraham156
Listening, deep335; 346
Litter Club219
Living in harmony317
Living values42-43; 70-71; 75-76; 92-114; 182-183; 196; 199; 201; 203; 211 215; 
Living values (Continued)218-219; 224-226; 234-238; 248; 256; 268; 286; 292; 325-326; 328;  345
London Philharmonic Orchestra (in St. Paul’s Cathedral)150
Love131; 225; 228; 246-248-249; 256; 259; 265-266; 269; 330; 332-333; 336
Love (Agape)170-173; 178; 183
Love in Action219
Loyalty237; 268; 283; 312; 326
Lund, Pukar328-329
Lux et Veritas (Light and Truth)135
Ma Bell298
MacGregor Burns, James193-194
Mackey, John305; 349
Madoff, Bernie5; 
Management Challenges for the 21st Century349
Management Tasks, Responsibilities , Practices13
Managing for Stakeholders: Survival, Reputation and Success298
Managing over several time horizons243
Mandela, Nelson158; 230; 321
March for our Lives324
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School323-324
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia6; 
Maslow, Abraham39-41; 182
Maternity leave292
McKee, Annie117; 350
McKinsey & Company2; 105
Meditation249; 254-255; 258; 332
Memo to Boards of Directors Looking for a New CEO278-295
Memo to Borads of Directors looking for a new CEO278-295
Mental and emotional well-being254
Mental energy within human spirit (capacity)116-117
Mercantile age52
Merck AG311
Merrill Lynch198
Metal of Honor (Ukraine)327
Middle Class, role of in Capitalism304
Miller, Bruce Justin225-227
Mindfulness257; 319; 336
Minimum annual salary for everyone308
Minimum wage 315
Miracles249; 254-255
Mission249; 254-255; 279-280; 312
Mission Blue225
Mitchell, Edgar146; 164
Mittal & Dhar223
Moral compass103
Moral integrity331; 345
Morals199; 256
More Just Society284
Moscow Chamber Orchestra in Moscow150
Most Admirable Order of Direk-Gu-Na-Bhorn, Thailand209
Mother Gaia224
Motivation 11-12; 345
Mubarak, Hosni323
Murthy, Narayana286-288; 291; 316-318
Murthy, Sudha317
Nacchio, Joe6;
Najm Company211
National Association of Interdcollegiate Athletics (NCAA)106
National Environmental Teach-in226
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Adminstriation Environmental Hero Award225
Natura & Company72; 110; 137-138; 147-149; 223-224; 284-285; 311
Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution144
Natural world, connect with the336
Nazer, Tal Hisham211-215; 269; 291-292
Neal, Judi117-118; 351
Needs, mind/spiritual/physical347
Neeleman, David62; 75 187
Neuschel, Robert349
Never Again MSD324
Nobility, defnix
Noble Capitalism310; 317-318
Noble definitionix; 59
Noble Enterprise: The Commonsense Guide to Uplifting People and Profitsxxiii; 28-29; 59; 62; 82; 118; 150; 349
Noble Leader (defn)_328-329
Noble Leader Self-Assessment238; 334-348
Non-voting stock shares305; 312; 315
Norms93-94; 104
Nutrition and diet251-252
Obama, Barak158
Oberlin, Constantine150
Ode to Joy157
Odebrecht, Marcelo6;
Odebrecht, SA6;
Oh. Be Joyful’126; 149; 270
Olin Business School313
O’Neil, Josh219-220
Oneness consciousness44-45; 86; 121 137-166; 189; 196; 215; 225; 234-238; 248; 257-258;
Oneness consciousness (Continued)266-268; 285; 326; 329; 331; 336; 341; 346
Origin of Values, The93
Owl, Maria350-351
Ozone Protection Act226
Palmer, Parker245
Passion130; 190-191; 202-203; 210; 220; 225; 230; 234; 237; 250; 258; 266; 281;
Passion (Continued)286; 316; 326-328; 330-331; 333-334; 336; 342; 345
Passos, Pedro72-73; 137-138; 147-149; 223-224; 284-285
Patagonia51; 110
Patience268; 346
Pay for performance213
Peace Corps151
PEAK: How Great Companies Get their Mojo from Maslow68-69; 182-183; 350
People Magazine60
People vs profits241
People, sustainable advantage59
Performance Potential278
Perot, Ross54
Pfeffer, Jeffrey58; 350
Physical energy within himan spirit (capacity)116
Physically and mentally challenged people220
Piketty, Thomas306
Planet, connected to335
Planet, Respect for294
Planet, Uplift the217-228
Planetary Ascension: The Purpose of 3D and the Choice We Face350-351
Plastics need to be recycled218-222
Polman, Paul296
Porter, Michael14; 109; 302; 310
Postive Change, U-Michigan22
Powell, Baden322
Power of Intention The172; 350
Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment249
Prayer258; 332
Pricing enterprise risk313
Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence117; 350
Princess Dianna172
Principles of Scientific Management194
Prinicipal-Centered Leadershp: 7 Habits of Highly Successful People349
Proctor & Gamble296
Productivity107; 123; 163; 250; 253; 255
Profit vs Value298-299
Profits, short-term vs long-term342
Project Heaven on Earth124
Prosperity 10; 45; 71; 123; 125; 146
Prosperity Candles71; 149
Proust, Marcel21
Prudent risk taking231
Psychological reality36
Purpose and meaning105; 256; 258; 340
Purpose-driven businessxv; xxi; 14; 42-45; 147; 228; 232; 234-237; 241-243; 248-249; 255-257; 
Purpose-driven business (Continued)259; 268; 279-280; 290; 293; 312; 351
Qi Gong332
Quality rest and sleep253
Quantum Powersxiv-xvi; 42-43; 45; 48; 65-66; 70-71; 73-74; 87-88; 92; 102-103; 115; 127; 
Quantum Powers (Continued)137; 146; 162-163; 171; 183; 185; 199; 205; 215; 218; 228; 230-232; 
Quantum Powers (Continued2)234-237; 248-249; 253; 255; 257; 259; 262; 268-271; 274; 281; 287; 294
Quantum Powers (Continued3)329-330- 337; 344; 246; 281; 283; 294; 329; 331; 336
Quantum Theory144
Quest Communications Intl6
Reality of materialism vs spirituality37-38
Reason for Being284
Receiving care253
Reconciliation as a spiritual process158
Reductionism33; 138
Re-Imagining Capitalism296
Relationship age50; 159; 266
REM sleep253-256
Renewable energy212
res mensa vs res extensa32
Respect107; 281; 317; 345
Responsibility107; 268; 329
Return on investment (ROI)297; 303
Reusche, Gary73-74; 325-329
Rigas, John6;
Rittenberg, MarkBack cover
Robber Barons298
Rockne, Newt140
Role of Leaders in the Emergent Reality193-200; 341
Roosevelt, Theodore66
Rugged Individualism138
Rules for living in the Old Reality15-17
Rutte, Martin123-124; back cover
Rwanda’s National Unity and Reconcilliation Commission (NURC)158
Sacks, Lord Rabbi Jonathan, Chief Rabbi of England283
Sacred Economics318
Sahdev, Navroop202-204; 335-337
Sama Veda (Ancient Hindu Vedic scripture)254
Samandari Travel Agency233
Samandari, Mahmud233-234; 236-238
Sasin School of Management209
Save the Children310
Schimel, Nicolas239-243; 288-292
Schneider, Claudine182
Schwarzkoph, Norman278-279
Schweitzer, Albert182
Scott, Robert76
Scrushy, Richard6
Seabra, Luiz148
Sears Robuck & Co26
See things differently197
Self-Assessment162; 183; 255-256
Self-care235-236; 245-263; 329; 334-335
Self-care activities to improve spiritual well-being262-263; 344-348
Self-Care Tools for Noble Leadership183; 270
Self-reflection59; 117
Senge, Peter224; 350
Sense of humor194
Servant Leader69; 71-72; 74; 76; 86-89; 106-107; 176; 190; 194; 202-203; 225; 234; 237;
Servant Leader (Continued)266; 316; 342
Servant Leader, The349
Shackleton, Ernest Henry76
Shared option program305; 312
Shared-Value concept14; 109; 293; 302-303; 305
Shareholder Value14; 109; 279; 298; 340
Sharma, Robin247
Siklus175; 259
Simple Acts of Kindness175; 259
Singer, Michael68; 350
Sisodia, Raj305; 349
Situational Leadership194
Sixth Sense24-26
Skillings, Jeffrey2-3
Smith, Adam11; 54; 267; 296; 298
Social responsibility93; 242
Social Stewardship286; 291; 317
Socialization process242; 247-249
Sound herapy/healing252; 332
Southwest Airlines50; 61; 112; 118; 131; 195
Special purpose entities (SPEs)3
Special purpose vehicles (SPVs)3
Spirit at Work80; 118
Spirit Quotient (SQ)117-118
Spiritual age50; 53; 56-62; 342
Spiritual capital56-62; 118; 267; 318; 341
Spiritual energy within human spirit (capacity)117-118; 328; 346
Spiritual values74; 328; 337
Spiritual well-being14; 109; 256-257
Stakeholder [Value]Theory14; 109; 293; 298; 302; 340
Standard Oil298
Standing Rock Indian Reservatiuon323
Stapledon, Olaf169; 302
Starkey Hearing Foundation188
Starkey Institute188
Staying open to new ideas203
STEM curricula288
Stewart, Martha119
Stewart, Thomas56; 59; 117; 349
Strategic alliance98
Strengths and Weaknesses of Capitalism303-319
Stress Test: Refletions on Financial Crises313
Student Afro-American Society (SAS322
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)321
Students for a democratic Society (SDS)322
Suggested Readings343; 349-350
Super-Ordinate Goals105
Suport relationships200
Sustainability108; 109-111; 203; 224; 226; 237; 243; 291; 327
Sustained Performance 278
Symbiosis in leadership335
Sympathetic nervous system254
Tangible ways to uplift our planet221-223
Tao of Physics, The35; 144-145
Tawhid (individual oneness concept of monotheism in Islam)144
Taylor, Frederick58; 194
Team Spirit283; 345
Technology214; 291; 317; 336
Testimonials351-351; back cover
The Fourth Great Awakening and the Future of Egalitarianism67
Theory of Moral Sentiments11
Theory of relativity33
Think differently198
Thoughts on People, Planet and Profit350
Three laws of motion32
Three onenesses142-143
Thurber, James173
Tiananmen Square323
Tibetan Buddhism321
Time in nature253; 258
To See the Way Forward, Look Back111
Tokyo Opera Singers157
Tolle, Eckert172-173
Too big to fail and nobody gets punished313-314
Towards a More Noble Capitalism296-320
Toxic waste307
Transforming the world globally203
Transparency245; 328; 334; 345
Triple Bottom Line340
Trust68; 240-241; 285; 333
Tyco International6
UCLA73; 115; 120; 122; 212; 246
UN Social Council Youth Forum324
Unicom (later renamed AT&T (Canada)28
Unilever296; 310
Union of Ethical Biotrade (UEFT)`147
United Nations General Assembly309
United Nations Secretary General324
Unity141; 285; 330-331; 341
Unity Church142; 266
Unity consciousness141; 182-183
Universe of consciousness146
University of California253
University of Chicago58; 109; 116-117
University of Chicago Magazine137
University of Hawaii332-333
University of Hawaii Office of Sustainability226
University of Hawaii Sea Grant226
University of New Hampshire226
University of Notre Dame140
University of Virginia14; 109; 298
Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself, The350
Uplift people, planet and prosperity186; 200; 243; 318; 330; 346
Valued-based decision-making/leadership70; 103; 194; 230-231; 335
Value-Driven Company284; 312; 351
Values definition92-93; 340
Values-alignment between the organization and the individual employee104-114; 345
Valuing People and Bringing them Together281
Vassar Glee Club151
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (“universe as a family” in Sanskrit)143
Vietnam War322
Views of reality-four sets of “eyes”33-39
Virgin Group65
Virtues Project, The326
Vision196; 230; 235; 279-280; 292-293; 333-334; 343; 345
Volunteer work and community involvment258
Von Rabenau, Jane220
Vonderling, Johanna186
VUTCA (variable, uncertain, turbulent, complex and ambiguous)279
Wachtel, Thomas113
Waksal, Sam6
Wall Street Journal118
Walsh, Frank12
Wandervogel (Wandering Birds)322
Washington University in St. Louis313
Washington, George53
Watson Sr., Thomas 172
Watts, Allan265
Wealth distribution294
Wealth of Nations11; 54; 298
Weber, Max195
Weinburg, Daniel201-202
Welch, Jack54; 117
Western Electric57
Wharton School 212
What does your company really stand for?104
What Leaders Really Do350
Wheatley, Margaret21; 349
Whole Foods305
Wilde, Oscar166
Williamson, Marianne68; 230
Willis, Bruce24; 26
Wilmette Institute327
Wilson, Flip21
Winfrey, Oprah207
Women’s Peace Collection71; 122-123; 149
Wooden, John121
Working in the Emergent Reality182-185
World of matter vs world of energy33-36
World Trade Center, New York158
World Vision310
World’s Most Sustainable Companies147
Wright Brothers30
Writing and/or journaling258
Yale Alumni Chorus150-151
Yale University151
Yoga255; 332
Yogananda, Parahamshansa249
Youth239-243; 321-337